There are moments when the consideration of death

There are moments when the consideration of death is deemed necessary as the previous consummation of finitude: a kind of inner coronation in a vacuum of aspirations and projects. Thus, the natural movement of being towards life and its strain towards the future are inverted, but, in the extreme negativity, we still search for plenitude, the negative plenitude, the plenitude of emptiness in the black crater of denial that is accepted and assumed as a last possibility, but also as a primary one as it departs from the reduction to zero. The being builds itself, or tries to, in the refuge that is left after so many attacks and internal and external aggressions. The idea of death is unable to depict the unimaginable destruction, but its ponderation may strengthen a circular and continuous statement around the nucleus that is itself both arrow and target of the motionless voyage of existence.


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